About South Africa - Health & Hygiene

Heath & Hygiene

Local safety standards and regulations of South Africa will not necessarily conform to North American, European or Western health and safety standards. It is important that you are aware of the risks involved as you are responsible for the suitability of your travel plans. Countries teeming with wildlife are always also rich in smaller wildlife such as insects, spiders and mosquitoes and all the health issues they bring with them. It is important to understand that their presence does not necessarily indicate a lack of hygiene or cleanliness but rather is a fact of life!

You should discuss your own particular needs and contra-indications to vaccines or tablets with a medical practitioner, at least 4 weeks before travel, for up-to-date, individual advice.


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We came across Best of South Africa Travel whilst planning a 3 week family
holiday to South Africa back in 2019. We soon realised that no one knows South
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