Travelling in South Africa - Malaria

We have many years of experience and with consultants who have lived in the country for over a decade, we guarantee that we will be able to assist you with any queries you may have for your holiday there.


Some areas of South Africa are designated malaria-risk areas, especially in the summer between October and April, so you need to take anti-malaria tablets and reduce the chance of being bitten with insect sprays and long sleeved clothing and trousers.

In the dry season from May to September, there is generally less mosquito activity especially in South Africa. Happily, this is also the best time for game viewing. Babies and very young children should avoid malaria areas.


Personalised tour of South Africa

Magical mystery tour

Well, what can I say. Our original plans for a short trip to see friends in Cape Town last Easter turned into a ‘magical mystery tour’ after I was introduced to Ash at Best of South Africa Travel. Of course Covid completely scuppered our plans, but somehow (due to bizarre tier decisions made by Boris and his crew) we managed …


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